The people under this sign are total narcissist wanting people to feel many types of emotion toward them with the traits generous, warm, authoritative, demanding, and sometimes even uncompromising. The trait of being authoritative is so they want others to look up to them. They want to be revered or loved by others. It comes from not being a hollow person, but wanting to be the star of the world. Their demand trait is for a purpose to be in the starlight because without it their lives will mean nothing to them. They will do anything and I mean anything to be important. It could be warm or generous but it all comes from the single purpose of being in the lime light.

If you're wondering what my sign is I will gladly tell you. It's nothing. By nothing I mean to say I don't know what day I was born on. It is a mystery. But if I were to choose a sign that represents me it's the same with the colors it will be all of them and none of them. I display each type to their most extremes. Aren't I truly an enigma.

Ok. Let's get back on topic a bit. As far as I can see is that your answers are fascinating to me. Do you know of the Rorschach test? I want to get to see who you truly are with the answers you give me. I believe I can come to conclusion to who you are and if you can change my opinion of you. Will you do anything different or will you stay the same waste of space you are?